Mixitupchicas: (imperfect) Moms Keeping It Real

Episode 13 She's Baaackkkk!!



Yes Somanette’s backkkkk!  Or is it Somanette’s Back?!?!?!? Either way, the chicas, Colette and Somanette have back to school on their minds, specifically kindergarten.  And it’s not your mother’s kindergarten anymore.  Nowadays, five year olds are given language arts pre-assessments.  Can they identify uppercase and lowercase letters, give rhyming words, and explain concepts of print? What happened to learning to share, taking turns, napping, playing and being five year olds? What’s happening to education in America?  We may not have the answer to that question but we do have A plus news and tips to share regarding co-sleeping transitions.  Listen and find out! Here are the products we mentioned (we are not sponsored, nor are we affiliates): The book Somanette talked about: http://www.amazon.com/Smartest-Kids-World-They-That/dp/145165443X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1444614555&sr=1-1&keywords=smartest+kids+in+the+world  Bedtime Sticker Chart: http://www.amazon.com/Night-Sleep-Tight-Reward-