Influencer Entrepreneurs With Jenny Melrose

IE 17: How to Monetize Twitter



Are you overwhelmed by social media and wondering which outlet has the ability to monetize easily?There are so many social media outlets and only so much time in the day, which is why I love that Saira Pearl of makes it easy to monetize Twitter with her simple strategies and a plan of action.Grab her free download of 10,000 Followers in 10 Minutes per Day by using the code JENNY at checkout!Topics Discussed:Introduction of Saira Pearl of MomResource.comJourney through blogging as a businessGreatest difficulty to overcome as an online entrepreneurSize of a Twitter following needed to monetizeTwitter lets you find thousands of people in specific nichesHow to find people within your niche with hashtags and turn their followers into your followersImplementing lists to grow your followingUtilizing lists to grow your incomeAutomating retweets to maximize your timeImportance of how specific hashtags need to beHow to make your profile stand out on TwitterMonetizing with Twitter via affiliate marketing