Design Tribe Podcast

Do You Need an Art Style? Join the Art Style Challenge + start your 90 Days project!



Guess what starts TODAY!!!⠀(I'll get to that in a sec.)⠀ But first think:  Do you really stand a chance as a designer/artist/creative who's MAKIN' IT if people can't even recognize your style?⠀ What exactly is your signature?  What does your voice sound like?⠀ I'll be real with you:  when it comes to daily routines I'm literally the WORST.  One night I'm up late, the next day I'm up early.. Discipline just ain't my thing.  BUT!  I really AM a hard worker (... on my own time, lol...) And...⠀ One of the most important things you can do as an artist is:  developing your own Art Style.  Which is why I'm hosting a 90 day ART STYLE CHALLENGE that goes all summer!!!!!⠀ YAY!!!  I'll be sharing daily prompts in my IG Stories and in the Design Tribe FB Group for the next 90 days.⠀ 90 days is really the perfect amount of time to accomplish anything you set your mind to.  Quarterly goals are SO attainable!  They're totally in your reach - yet, you also have enough time to really make some SERIOUS change!⠀ And loo