Design Tribe Podcast

Textile Design Jobs | What Does a Textile Designer Do?



  WHAT DOES A TEXTILE DESIGNER DO? Now, you may be wondering, “What does a Textile Designer actually do?” and if you’re curious about the job responsibilities and the day-to-day of a Textile Designer you should check out my other video here, What Does a Textile Designer Do? Otherwise, to explain a Textile Designer’s job briefly, a Textile Designer basically creates the designs and patterns seen on soft products like fabric or apparel and is often times also responsible for the product development end of things as well which involves the construction of the actual product. 1 | FABRIC DESIGNER So not surprisingly, the most common understanding of a Textile Designer is a Fabric Designer. Fabric Designers will create commercially appealing fabrics for the textile interiors market including office, residential, hospitality, and healthcare segments. They are generally responsible for researching trends, understanding the industry needs, and coming up with original ideas for fabrics. Fabric Designers should be