Design Tribe Podcast

The Visibility Strategy w/ Kim Kuhteubl



Kim is an author who works with designers on creating better business strategies on an emotional and strategic level.     Buy her book:     QUESTIONS:   1.) What are some of the biggest problems you see designers facing?   2.) What is the best piece of advice you can provide designers when it comes to networking and getting their designs in front of the right people?   3.) How much does mindset play a role in designers feeling ‘stuck’?     4.) Do you believe that designers are lacking the right marketing or PR strategies?  Is there something deeper going on or is it a little of both?   5.) How would you advise designers to become more ‘available’ for the life they truly want?  What are some action steps they can take to become more available?   6.) How does gender play a role?   7.) So, explain to us your Visibility Strategy.  What are some step-by-step things designers can do to be more visible