Down The Hall

Our Worst Travel Blunders / 3 Netflix Originals for Your Movie Night



Don’t put your ID in your checked baggage, stay away from the girl with the mascara running down her face, and never, ever fly through Washington DC! Rodney and Chet are both relatively well-traveled...which means they have several stories of complete and utter travel fails. These stories turn to travel tips for Lyndon in advance of his trip to the States! In this episode we give you a "bundle pack" similar to when we did "3 Summer Movies", "3 Holiday Movies", and "3 Romantic Movies." This time it's all about those Netflix OG's... Good Netflix Original movies are few and far between but there are certainly some gems as we have previously discussed (Mudbound, The Fundamentals of Caring, Kodachrome). In this episode we give you 3 more worth considering for your movie night! Cargo - Martin Freeman must carry precious cargo through the zombie infested Australian outback. Anon - Clive Owen is a detective in a futuristic society where crime is nearly impossible since everyone's memories are recorded in real ti