Change Creator: Better Business. Better Life. Better World.

Claire Bahn: Magnetizing Opportunities and Boosting Visibility For Your Brand



You might wonder how you can land some bigger opportunities or boost the visibility of your brand to gain more traction. This is an important question and to dig into that conversation we connected with brand strategist Claire Bahn who is the founder of Clarie Bahn Group. More About Claire: Claire Bahn is a serial entrepreneur and currently the CEO and Founder of Claire Bahn Group. For over ten years, she has been helping high-achieving CEOs, executives, investors, and founders maximize their authority and influence to accelerate business growth and gain the recognition they deserve. As an entrepreneur and influencer with over 70k+ followers, she learned the importance of creating and curating a personal brand that magnetizes opportunities and boosts visibility. Her mission is to help others leverage their personal brand to develop the authority, influence, and trust they need to exceed their career and life goals. Visit us at (