Geeky Girl Gab

The Best Cinderella Adaptations



With Cinderella back in the news because of Amazon Prime's upcoming adaptation, Candace, Bri, and Arezou break down what they consider the best Cinderella adaptations. Is Ella Enchanted a good movie even if it's nothing like the book? Is Ever After the best Cinderella movie ever? Which movie did Arezou have a life-size poster of? All these questions and more are answered. The only one they couldn't figure out is why the team behind "Another Cinderella Story" paired underage Selena Gomez with a much older romantic lead... Also, be sure to check out our (interview with Paolo Montalban), and Arezou's reviews of " (If The Shoe Fits)" and " (Cold Hearted)." If you're curious about the Ever