Chats With Susan Burrell

"Where Are Your Blocks?" with Margaret Lynch Raniere...



Ep #150 - Margaret Lynch Raniere is my featured guest for this episode of Empowering Chats.  What a powerful conversation we have.  Margaret, is co-author of the book, Unblocked, and an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) Coach. In this episode, we discuss the body's chakra system. Margaret explains how to access your empowerment energy in the lower chakra system in order to remove blocks of self-doubt. We all have the capacity to access our inner-power.  And in this empowering chat both Margaret and I explore the process of un-covering the blocks, clearing the blocks, and what it means to unleash our power and manifest our empowered life.  To order Margaret's book, Unblocked: To learn more about Margaret and the work she does: For more about what I do please visit my website: