Chats With Susan Burrell




Ep #152 - This episode embarks on a new theme for the month of August. And it is all about Acceptance. Accepting what is, instead of trying to change everything. In this episode I explore uncovering the roots of certain beliefs. My beliefs and seeing the patterning of that as well as the place I have been operating from. Acceptance for me is about surrendering to what was, accepting your past and becoming receptive to your life being filled with happiness and goodness. I also talk about what the powerful Hawaiian Prayer Ho'oponopono can teach us and how to use Mala Beads in bringing love and forgiveness to ourselves, with Love sitting at the center of Self-Acceptance. To learn more about the Ho'oponopono Prayer visit:  Ho'oponopono Prayer For more about Mala Beads visit: Mala Beads To learn more about what I do please visit my website: