Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

032 - Lee Harris "Author of Energy Speaks" - Messages from Spirit on Living, Loving and Awakening



"You can't love and light your way out of this one." ~ Lee Harris Everyone needs "Energy Speaks" by Lee Harris in their library! It’s one of those books you reference forever which are the best kind. What I love about Lee is his integrative approach with his book and work in the world. As a spiritual strategist, Lee speaks my language and brings forward the steps you need to take to awaken and live your best life. Tune into this episode to connect with Lee and his powerful story and how he came into his gifts. Lee Harris is the author of Energy Speaks. He is also an intuitive medium, transformational leader, musician, and visual artist. In 2004, he began holding channeling sessions and readings in his home, and today he leads workshops throughout the world. A native of England, he is now based in California. Visit him online at