House Call With Dr. Hyman

What Does It Mean To Be Unconventional?



Modern industrial medicine treats disease with medication or surgery. That’s what it is designed to do, and when it comes to emergency interventions it is still the best medicine in the world. When someone comes into the emergency room with a severed leg, conventional medicine treats the problem with incredible efficacy. But when it comes to chronic illness, this approach simply doesn’t work. Here’s why conventional medicine tends to break down in the face of chronic illnesses like diabesity … Most medicine today is based on clear-cut, on-or-off, yes-or-no diagnoses that often miss the underlying causes and more subtle manifestations of illness. Most conventional doctors are taught that you have a disease or you don’t; you have diabetes or you don’t. There are no gray areas. Instead, I suggest taking a radically new and unconventional approach to treating chronic illness. Some might call this approach Functional Medicine. Functional Medicine is the future of conventional medicine–but available now. It se