Ruby Facets



rescue from blocks in Ruby 2.5 Did you know that you don't need to use the begin/rescue/end pattern within a Ruby method definition body? If you do, you might have tried like me to apply an inline rescue statement with no begin or end inside of a normal Ruby block, say a block passed to Array#each for example. But... it doesn't work. Although it works fine inside method bodies, this is invalid syntax in Ruby 2.4 and prior, which is kind of infuriating because putting a rescue statement at the same nesting level as the do statement makes rescue operation very neatly visible. Thanks to Josh Cheek however, this oddity will disappear from Ruby 2.5 which should arrive this coming Christmas. One caveat is that the new behavior will not apply to blocks created with curly braces instead of do/end keywords. Which honestly makes a lot of sense. Rails ❤️ Yarn & Webpacker For a few years, it felt like the Rails community was at odds with the movements of the front-end web development community. It's likely the crazy