Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Unlocking The Secret Behind Professional Breakthroughs



Unlocking The Secret Behind Professional Breakthroughs “I know that I work hard. I know that I work long hours. And often, my family has to sacrifice for me to be able to craft the message that I craft, and distribute that message to the world. And I know that you work just as hard. So, if we are going to ask our families to sacrifice on our behalf, we better have a damn good reason for doing so.” These were the words of Ryan Fletcher, in a letter to our host, Ryan France. See, both business owners have something in common. They are building a movement. A movement built on the back of a community of trusted advice-givers. Friends and mentors compiling to create an open-source group that knocks down the walls of the problems it faces. Further, their personal sacrifices are aimed at the greater good - be a ‘giver’ or a ‘conscious capitalist’ in large numbers, and the rising tide will lift all boats. In this “solo” episode of Voices of Impact, Ryan shares his key breakaway from the ‘lone wolf’ mentality. He talk