Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Hannah Davis - BANGS Shoes



How To Master A Socially Conscious Business  While in China teaching English for her first post-grad job, Hannah came across a simple yet functional shoe being sold in the streets. Giving it some thought, she realized that her version of that same shoe could be brought to the western market and paired with her desire for community impact. Inspired by the look and the hardworking people who wear them, BANGS shoes are designed to provide support from one adventure to the next. “I wanted do something very similar to the TOMS Shoes model,” Davis said, “but instead of giving people products, I wanted to use the sale of this shoe to help people bring themselves to change their own circumstances.” By an act of serendipity, Hannah just so happened to share her plans for BANGS shoes with a very interested retired VF executive (North Face, Vans, Seven7 Jeans) during a bartending shift she picked up on Valentine’s Day. He soon became BANGS first investor and partner, shifting the socially conscious shoe company into hig