Voices Of Impact With Ryan France

Mojdeh Gharbi - Certain Affinity



How Certain Affinity Became The Biggest Independent Video Game Developer in Austin Texas Austin native Mojdeh Gharbi has the kind of “woman-championing-tech” story we need to hear more often. Mojdeh is co-owner of Certain Affinity, the largest independent video game developer in Austin Texas. With contributions to industry-defining games like HALO, Call of Duty and DOOM, Certain Affinity has developed or co-developed more than more than 25 products across 10 different franchises, with more than 100 million units sold. Not bad for what started, twelve years ago, as a “bootstrap startup.” “Most people get into the game industry and say ‘I’m going to make the next big game and it’s going to be amazing.’’ But there’s so much risk involved in making games,” Mojdeh shared. “We intentionally said, we’re not going to go out and raise a bunch of money and hope it works out. We’re going to build the studio from the ground up. We’re going to learn from the best so that when it’s our moment, we’ve set ourselves up for su