Unleash Your Gene-ius With Dr Brian Peterson

002: Dr Al Danenberg: Why cavemen and women had healthier teeth than we do and what we can do about it now.



Dr. Danenberg is a periodontist (a gum specialist). He divides his 42-year dental career into two periods: before and after the laser coupled with the dynamics of ancestral nutrition. The laser-based LANAP® protocol and the importance of ancestral nutrition, he believes, are revolutionising his treatment of gum disease. LANAP is an acronym for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure and requires no scalpels or sutures. In July 2014, he received a CFMP (Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner) designation from Functional Medicine University and in September 2014, he received the designation of Certified Primal Blueprint Expert. In July 2015, Dr. Danenberg created, wrote, and recorded the Integrative Periodontal Module for the College of Integrative Medicine’s 300-hour certified program titled, Certified Integrative Healthcare Practitioner Program, which commenced October 2015. His new book, Hunger for Health, will be published in the near future.