Mama Bear Dares

Episode 3: Doing it Scared



There’s a perception in our culture that if we face obstacles, the world is warning us that we are on the wrong path...or that if an idea terrifies us, it’s probably not worth doing. But on today’s podcast, Jody Landers proves that Mama Bears are born when we lean into fear and do what scares us. If anyone knows about doing big things in life despite being terrified, it’s Jody. With three healthy young boys already part of their brood, Jody and her husband Andy delivered Quincy. Born with a rare birth defect, Quincy spent weeks in the hospital and months in a body cast. It was in that hospital room that Jody’s Mama Bear was born. With the tenacity she found in that hospital room, Jody went on to adopt twins from Sierra Leone, organize a handful of moms to fill backpacks for foster care children, and raise over a half million dollars for clean water. A few years after that she and Becky Straw founded The Adventure Project from her home with her six children underfoot. Most recently Jody dove into a Kickstarter