Ai With Ai

A Tesseract to Follow



In COVID-related AI news, Purdue University has built a website that tracks global response to social distancing, by pulling live footage and images from over 30,000 cameras in 100 countries. Simon Fong, Nilanjan Dey, and Jyotismita Chaki have published Artificial Intelligence for Coronavirus Outbreak, which examines AI’s contribution to combating COVID-19. Researchers at Harvard and Boston Children’s Hospital use a “regular” Bayesian model to identify COVID-19 hotspots over 14 days before they occur. In non-COVID AI news, the acting director of the JAIC announces a shift to enabling joint warfighting operations. The DoD Inspector General releases an Audit of Governance and Protection of DoD AI Data and Technology, which reveals a variety of gaps and weaknesses in AI governance across DoD. Detroit Police Chief James Craig reveals that the police department’s experience with facial recognition technology resulted in misidentified people about 96% of the time. Over 1400 mathematicians sign and deliver a letter