Reason Bound

#18: Music From the Heartbreak Hotel



Award winning British journalist, Charles Thomson, returns to the Reason Bound podcast to discuss music from the Heartbreak Hotel. Charles and Ryan talk about Elvis Presley and what he did or didn't contribute to music as well as accusations against the man and movement being racist. Ideas about Elvis from Stevie Wonder to Three 6 Mafia are discussed and provide context of "The King" from contemporaries, people who came after him, and those who knew him before he burst onto the music scene. But first, Charles starts off with some great stories of James Brown including speaking to him at a press conference and the "Godfather of Soul" playing with him during a live performance from the stage. Other topics include Prince and Under The Cherry Moon, The Wiz, Michael Jackson and his discography, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, The Beatles, and how artists will be remembered through history.