Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep42: 2008 - Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! vs. Tell Tale Signs or The Pulitzer Prize-Winning Choose Your Own Adventure of 2008



Bowie vs. Dylan CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE #42 Page 1:  David Bowie and Bob Dylan embark on a grand tour of the year 2008.  Choose which approach, euphemistically speaking, that they take to find out what happens next; try and imagine what both entirely different artists would feel during this year collectively, that is, as a combined force although they barely ever met and didn't know one another at all. A.) A pensive yet flippant attitude of worthwhile nothingness and paternal obligations (page 38) B.) Hopeful yet immediately regretful of some vague notion of change (page 65) C.) Combing one's hair in that classic style (page 101) D.) Neverendingly touring (page 3,072).   FLIP TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! Page 38: Both artists, together, perhaps arm in arm, wander near a tiger pit and accidentally fall in. Both die.  Begin at page 1. Page 65: Bowie approaches an evil mastermind in his technologically advanced lair, smiling all the while as a show of good faith towards the villain, while Dylan covers hi