Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep47: 2003 - Reality vs. Masked and Anonymous or the Mid-90's Crushing of 2003



Setting: Reality, 2003. Corrected Setting: A Reality, 2003. Jack Fate (an elderly washed-up rock prophet who in no way resembles Bob Dylan): The future lies not in the past, but in the past, where there is no future and only then can we know the present presently. Jon Bon Jovi (a hot as H Dad who in no way had his haircut ganked by David Bowie): It's my life!!! John Goodman, Jeff Bridges, Penelope Cruz, Jessica Lange, Angela Bassett, Bruce Dern, Ed Harris, Val Kilmer, Cheech Marin, Mickey Rourke, Christian Slater (in unison): Oh God, what have I done? Luke Wilson: Oh God, what have-actually, this seems about right for me. David Bowie (realizing that Jon Bon Jovi is coming after him, you know, to get his hair back): Uhhhhhh, maybe you could be distracted if I did a right strip tease? 52-Year-Old Female and Male Fans (in unison): YES! Bob Dylan (reading from a scrap of paper): Sometimes it's not enough to know the meaning of things, sometimes we have to know what things don't mean as well. Forrest Gump