Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep50: Bowie vs. Dylan, or The Top Ten Best Covers OF THEIR ENTIRE CAREERS



It's that very special time of life again, dear listeners!  A round-number anniversary.  50 episodes, can that be right?  Counting down our personal and professional opinions on the very best covers that any artist ever did of Bowie and Dylan songs?   Boy, it seems like it's been, what?  9, 10, episodes since we here at Bowie vs. Dylan last celebrated a milestone?  I mean, besides all the comings and goings of David Bowie and Bob Dylan in any given year, that is, that's always a reason for excitement.  Gosh...looking at the old calendar, it seems that we don't have many left before we run out of them, huh? REALLY makes it hit home when we say it like that, though, doesn't it?  Geez, now it's getting a little misty in here, must be our allergies, or all that quarantine dust in the air, it's thick, boy, now we’re really sobbing, so many non-emotionally-related eye irritants, it's getting hard for us to type, yep, we better take a break. We're back, baby!  And don't we feel better; a little time away from som