Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep56: 2014 - Sue (Or in a Season of Almost Nothing! Absolutely Nothing!) vs. The Basement Tapes Complete or The Chrysler Ad Compilations of 2014



The myriad choices for your preferred Super Deluxe Edition of this Bowie vs. Dylan Podcast 2014 have arrived by magic horseback, delivered by hand, by Bob Dylan and David Bowie!  Aren't you thrilled?  Check out all the special deviations and features, and pick your favorite to own, or your most favorite favorite, since you'll for sure want them all: 7 CDs, 14 LPs, 1 DVDs: Bowie looks suave as H, making you slightly uncomfortable to show the 70 page booklet of Hot Granddad Bowie photos to your Granddaughter.  Dylan looks like his Vincent Price mustache has been poorly CGI'd right off his ancient yet eerily smooth face, making you equally uncomfortable in a totally different way to show the photos to your Granddaughter or anyone else really.  Cost: $85 1 CDs, 1 LP, 14 DVDs: Whoops, we had found even MORE hand-written lyrics from Dylan's Basement Tapes years, and accidentally included the originals in this boxset.  Those are practically priceless.  Please send this one back!  Cost: Priceless 0 CDs, 22 LPs, 0