Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep65: 2020 - 90's and More 90's vs. Rough and Rowdy Ways, or The Septuagenarian Soulpatch of 2020



Wow, the reason that Chaz and Jake haven't been providing fresh new episodes of this podcast for the past couple of months has been because we got lost in the desert on an annual BvD Board of Directors-mandated team building exercise.  We almost starved, too!  That Charlie really was looking pretty tasty for a couple of days there, wasn't he? Anyway, we're back, but we've had no access to the news or to the outside world for most of 2020.  Did we miss anything?   (Shuffles papers). Are we sure that this Bowie release schedule is correct?  How many 90's-era soul patches must we endure? (Shuffles different papers). Dylan's still BACK?!  Like, for realskis?  That's rad! Like you are, dear listeners, who will never hold it against us that we refuse to catch on the state of domestic affairs, not to mention global ones, on this edition of Bowie vs. Dylan.