The Dork Forest

TDF Ep 1 - Mike Ruekberg and Jim Woster



With  the Songwriter, Musician and meticulous man.He helped me (he claims that this is VERY rudimentary) set up the Dork Forest as a Pre-Recorded Podcast. And stand up comic and founding member of a GREAT sketch comedy troupe called Oh, You and Your Bone Spurs. Mike helped me with the taping and casually sung a couple songs. Because he’s a songwriter. He’s going to write a more standardized tune as intro and outro for the show. Because he's awesome. I didn't clear the memory from the digital device used so it ENDS abruptly. Yeah. Work in progress Americans. And I (me) edited it. Not a lot. I liked the un-edited - now the sound will just be better. That's the point of this. We can all hear better now. You're welcome. It will get better as we go, but I had a great time doing this. Thanks for listening.