The Dork Forest

TDF Ep 13 – Marcia Wallace and Gary Shapiro



Yeah - that - from Bob Newhart and Edna Krabappel on The Simpsons and the wacky maid on That's My Bush!  - so cool. So I dork out on her a bit until we both get excited about Mr. - comic, storyteller, musician and all around hard-working good guy.   We discuss the nature of trying that edge of comedy and how it doesn't always work - so beware, bad words are said. Know that they were attempts at comedy and sometimes, to get to art, you go through obnoxious, not funny things. You'll get over it.   NOTES: (the reason King Edward VIII abdicated the British throne in the 1930's) came up because we were going to discuss  - which Marcia really liked but we didn't get into it. (well, I looked him up and I know NOW - but this link is Wiki, I'll get a second source for my "paper") did and he's incredible. I think I'll buy an album. See? I can be taught.  - "greenies" and the link is NO ONE I KNOW but an incredible dialog about taking this drug. Good grief. - Trailer. heh... found it.  - autobiography by Marcia W