The Dork Forest

TDF EP 17 – Wendy Liebman and Judith Shelton



  My guests are ladies... so they talk soft like ladies... not a lot even Patrick Brady could do about it without making it all sound weird. So, it soft -and ladylike. That’s what’s up. They are both on facebook and twitter find them and follow: @WendyLiebman and @JudeTheUnsure. It's a girly episode... I hope you enjoy a lovely hour with two funny, smart lady-friend dorks. Also, I lose my card when I don't know who is...   Topics I regret not finding out more about FANCY YARN from Jude. (well, now I know the song) (adorable!) (go read Eric Powell for sure though) Hah! Oprah! What a crazy girl show! Let’s do this! Ricky Gervais – and we don’t end up talking about it (I knew who HE was ;) Previous Lives… I like that it took an hour to get to this… because it's crazy.   Correction: UM… it was NOT the it was the train. The train. And now I can’t find a link for which train. Sigh. I've been saying subway for months. It was a train.   More Kashian on the web: Podcasts: , (ep 2), (be up soon