The Dork Forest

TDF EP 19 - Gold Series Guys



Andrew Deutsch and David Nett are this week's guests. They've made a dorky dorky show for the internet called GOLD - an RPG web series. . We talked Dungeons and Dragons and Board Games and, in the end... found that another episode of TDF is going to be needed to talk about comic books and FONTS... the exciting world of Kerning MUST be examined! Reccomended reading from David, George RR Martin -  and listening from Andrew, The Sountrack to How to Train Your Dragon. Which I cannot find for sale. Awww.... ask Andrew on Twitter (@rollandglass) and then for fun... @davidnett is on twitter too! Fun! I'm in  this week at ACME Comedy Company Downtown if you're around. Come say hi. Credits: Audio leveling by Patrick Brady and the Songs are by . My Website was redone by : with is an offshoot of it and they both have players and links and show schedules, videos of my stand up and the donation button.   Thanks for listening out there, take care out there! Jackie