The Dork Forest

TDF EP 20 – Bailee DesRocher and Joe Starr



Two stand-up comics stop by and we talk it out. Dinosaurs, Pro-Wrestling, Zombies, and comics… and are very nice and super dorky.   s - iPhone game demonstration – SNES (at about 3:11) – awesome comic – dirty comic Michael May – - their friend’s web comic J is the dork thing… the other thing is … you can look that up. Also, if you know – DON’T tell me. Thank you. Those books again Alt Wrestling Snob - (We can have an Ultimate Fighter Dork on later) – a great comic book written by Stephen King’s son. Who hates being referred to as “Stephen King’s son.” – (Joe Starr’s last read?) (a book of short stories that one of my stories is in – I read it on the audio version).   Credits: Audio leveling by Patrick Brady and the Songs are by . My Website was redone by : with is an offshoot of it and they both have players and links and show schedules, videos of my stand up and the donation button.   Thanks for listening and take care out there! Jackie