The Dork Forest

TDF EP 36 – Troy Conrad and Pat Francis



Today I talk with and about autographs, bands, religion and serendipity. It’s a good one. I know I say that every time. This even ran long!   Notes: – VH1 – – weirdly Eric Johnson who played Flash, was on Smallville! – PS3 or Wii will also work with Netflix. – not enough scientific information in this… Scientology – I’d link it but I feel like there’d be a knock on my door. I bring up again and Jon Hamm came up again.   Troy Conrad recommends Pat Francis recommends . I’m reading – it’s pretty great.    Seriously… we could have kept going for another hour. I gotta have both of them back! Thanks for listening. Take care of each other out there, Jackie   App Bonus Note: I stopped recording and Andy went and pounded on the door. Scared me a bit. Oh, the hilarity of men. He is, if you don't know, outstanding in his field.   My website has a player, standup schedule and videos, the merch (CD/T-shirt opportunities), the donation button: or .The , , and a very basic free app for t