Break Free From Corporate Podcast With Gavin Sequeira

Gavin Sequeira interviews Kevin Urrutia - Web Developer Turned Digital Marketing Agency Founder



In this podcast, Kevin shares how his rather fun journey in and out of corporate to entrepreneur and business visionary. From his early days as a data analyst and web designer, Kevin worked out he loved to figure out how stuff worked and spent his time learning, creating and designing. His definition of ‘work’ was doing what he loved and he spent many hours improving on his skills. This took him to his dream job in Silicon Valley as a front-end developer for a technology company that seemed to have all the right aspects he was looking for, i.e. a job he loved doing, great culture and the ability to learn and be creative. Kevin quickly went on to apply his skills in various startups including a cleaning business, in which he was a pioneer at the time applying technology to a traditional business. Interestingly, this is where he learnt all about growing a team, hiring, training and putting in place structure and systems to scale and expand. Kevin took his creative passion into launching more ecommerce startups