Break Free From Corporate Podcast With Gavin Sequeira

Gavin Sequeira interviews Gail Swift - Sales Manager Turned Youth Advocate and Founder of Plans To Prosper Coaching



In this podcast, Gail shares her journey of trying to find out what her passion was. Starting from her early days she completed speech and theatre degree and wanting to be a stage manager and work in theatre and with her interest in sales, she ended up in Television in Chicago area working as a sales manager. Whilst she loved the fast paced life, high income and was able to travel to exotic places, buy lots of things with her disposable income, she took on a lot of stress which eventually resulted in her having infertility issues and multiple miscarriages. Coupled with this was that her work environment became politically charged and she was coerced into having to lie just to keep her job. This was out of integrity for Gail and that’s when she decided to walk away from her job. After working on a farm and a womens shelter doing something she was passionate about, turning to God and Jesus, with renewed faith and pure joy in what she did helping others and the lack of stress, Gail finally fell pregnant. Today,