Health Talk With The Stoners

080: "All We Have To Decide Is What To Do With The Time That Is Given Us"



Do you ever feel like time passes you by or that there just isnt enough time in the day to get done what needs to be done? Or is life like a lyric from a Luke Bryan song? “I believe that days go slow and years go fast And every breath's a gift, the first one to the last”Why does it always feel like this? Are we doing something wrong? Are we misguided or are we just focusing on the wrong things? How can we capture more time in our life so that we can do as Aaron Rodgers once so elegantly put, R E L A X relax? Let's stop wasting precious time by looking at the things we do daily and make the necessary corrections together!For more insight into lifestyle, fitness, nutrition and really how to tackle life in a more healthy way jump over to Mickayla Stoner Fitness or IG and Facebook for some inspiration and motivation to tackle the day!We love you!xo Michael & Mickayla