Leigh Martinuzzi

955 Dr Jeffrey Martin - Fundamental Wellbeing



Fundamental Wellbeing My chat with Dr Jeffrey Martin, a fascinating conversation on how we can become a Finder and stop seeking. After extensive research, Jeffrey and his team have created a scientifically proven program for finding lasting inner peace and contentment. Enjoy! Guest Bio. Jeffery is an academic researcher, serial entrepreneur, technologist, and investor who specializes in advancing the highest forms of human wellbeing. For over a decade he has conducted the largest international study on Fundamental Wellbeing, which includes the types of consciousness commonly known as: enlightenment, nonduality, the peace that passeth understanding, unitive experience, and hundreds of other terms. This resulted in the first reliable, cross-cultural and pan-tradition classification system for these types of experience. More recently, he has used this research to make systems available to help people obtain profound psychological benefits in a rapid, secular, reliable, and safe way. Jeffery is also the founder