
Landscapes Sure To Inspire On Nevada's Burner Byway | Part 1



Though the Playa has been made famous by the biggest party in the world, Nevada’s Burner Byway Road Trip is about everything BUT Burning Man. ‘Cause let’s face it—the road from Reno to the Black Rock Desert and beyond is loaded with some of the largest wilderness areas in the lower 48, surreal landscapes, natural hot springs, some of the darkest designated skies in America, ancient rock carvings, and larger-than-life open air installations inspired by this very place itself. It’s no coincidence that thousands of people make the annual pilgrimage “home” to the Black Rock each year to hit the reset button and grab onto a caliber of freedom found nowhere else. Freedom is in this desert. Always here, open, and waiting along the #BurnerByway. Episode I begins in Reno where the Burner Byway Road Trip begins. Learn more about Burning Man and the world-class art that stemmed from it at the Reno Playa Art Park, and the only accredited art museum in Nevada, that lives in the same bracket as New York’s MET. From here,