Max White Presents

Episode 20: Max White Presents...Lurker Lou



Lurker Lou is a New York City based Professional Skateboarder, Artist, Proprietor, outspoken taste maker, and creator of the wildly controversial "Skater Starter Packs" on Instagram. So here's the episode in it's pure, virgin, unedited form. Highlights include a game of Word Association with Lou, a walk down skateboarding memory lane, creampies & double flips, and what it's like to co-host a skateboard reality show that turns into Lord of the Flies. Follow Lurker Lou on all things social media: Instagram: @Lurker_Lou @IronClawSkates @Skater_StarterPacks Go to your local skate shop and demand that they carry Iron Claw Skateboards As always you can find Max @ThisIsMaxWhite on Twitter and Instagram as well as for an upcoming show schedule. Thanks for tuning in!