Coleyology Podcast With Coley (nicole Lemaster)

Coleyology with Bruce Alderman



"If we took that holographic approach with religious traditions then we can recognize that there are multiple religious traditions, each one utterly unique and yet each one within itself enfolds the potential of all the others holographically" - Bruce Alderman talking about prepositional understanding using a holographic approach when looking at religious traditions Bruce works in educational testing during the daytime, and he teach night classes at JFKU for the Transpersonal Counseling Psychology and Consciousness & Transformative Studies graduate programs. Bruce is interested in the emerging spiritualities of our time -- the integral and interspirituality movements, the intersections of religious and secular philosophical traditions, and other geeky things like that. Most of his writing recently has been for academic integral journals, mostly on the topic of interreligious relationships and translineage spiritual practice. Here's a link to one of Bruce's recent essays: