Coleyology Podcast With Coley (nicole Lemaster)

Coley and Amanda Dluzak on Coleyology



"Shame is the belief that there must be something wrong with me… Shame also serves its purpose, it’s a binding emotion, so it binds with other very difficult emotions that are to much for us to deal with and it obscures them… Shames job is to hide, right, and to avoid” - Amanda speaking about pregnancy loss, feelings about the body, disenfranchised grief and its roots in shame. "Amanda Dluzak is a Marriage and Family Therapy Intern working in the east bay, California. Amanda was called to the healing arts after embarking on her own healing journey rooted in birth trauma and pregnancy loss. Today, Amanda is developing a therapy practice that specializes in working with women suffering perinatal bereavement. This can be miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, or infant death. Perinatal bereavement is a disenfranchised grief, and oftentimes grief, shame, and trauma are all part of the constellation of perinatal bereavement. Amanda is also a bodyworker, craniosacral therapist, and single mom to an awesome tween and