Greatness Quest

#175: I’M SCARED BUT I TAKE ACTION ANYWAY - Daily Mentoring w/ Trevor Crane #greatnessquest



I’M SCARED BUT I TAKE ACTION ANYWAY #175: Daily Mentoring with Trevor Crane on SUMMARY I’M SCARED BUT I TAKE ACTION ANYWAY. What I'm finding is that these fears that we have, the things that scare us most, are like road signs telling us where to go. It is the voice inside of us. It is God inside of us. It is the desire inside of us, that is telling us to leap and to jump... even if we don't know how we're going to fly to the ground... even if we fail. So if you can find something that SCARES you... jump into it. Leap. I think what you're going to find is that it's not frickin as scary as you thought. We tend to build up all kinds of bullshit that makes things much worse than they actually are, and much more scary than it is and much harder than things actually are... I also think that when you JUMP… you find liberation as well. GET THE APP: Text: TREVOR To: 36260 #greatnessquest #trevorcrane #unstoppable #idealbusiness #ideallife