That Awful Sound

153 - Brad's Memorial (Sublime - Date Rape)



This week on a very special episode of That Awful Sound, we take a self-guided Sublime tour around Long Beach, visiting important historical markers such as the Sublime mural, ONS liquor store, Cal State Long Beach (where 40 oz to Freedom was recorded), Bradley Nowell’s gravesite, and a random head shop in order to bring you a jam-packed episode on the band’s breakout single, Date Rape. How did this song exist? Why? Do Sublime fans invalidate whatever good intentions this song might’ve originally had? Also: Dr. Drew whole-heartedly supports the song, Lou Dog gives the actor in this video 30 stitches, and Ron Jeremy produces and gives a dual-role performance. Music We Actually Like: Karl Blau - Zebra, Courtney Barnett - Tell Me How You Really Feel, Death of a Nation - Self-Titled Subscribe to to hear bonus content from this episode including audio recorded along our tour.