Gotham Undercover

Gotham Undercover Extra 6



Elseworlds was this year's CW crossover. But this year we saw a new character introduced, Batwoman.  Flash, Green Arrow and Supergirl make their way to Gotham City investigating John Deegan. Batwoman is not happy to have them in her city. Due to the epic nature of the crossover, the GSM shows did a mega podcast roundtable. Elseworlds: At the end of night one of the crossover, we found out that Dr. John Deegan was given the book by the Monitor and was in Gotham City. After detouring though Star City, Ollie-Flash, Barry-Arrow and Supergirl head over to Gotham. They run into some muggers and are taken into custody by the GCPD. They are sprung and taken to Wayne Tower. There they are greeted by Kate Kane. She has taken over the tower and offers to let them use it. They learn from her that Deegan is over Arkham and head over there for answers. Cisco, Kaitlin, and Diggle show up filling them in on the appearance of Earth 90's Flash and the message. Kara & Kaitlin distract the staff. Barry & Oliver confron