Gotham Undercover

Gotham Undercover 90 - Year Zero



Year Zero had us jump 13 months after the events of last season, but we were pulled back to 3 months. Gotham is desperate. Food and supplies are short. Villains control sectors of the city and only the GCPD & allies stand against them. Our heroes need help. Year Zero - Zero help for the GCPD: ©2018 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Giovanni Rufino / FOX Jim and the GCPD have established Haven, a 10 block area around the station. They are feeding the refugees who could not get out of Gotham when the bridges were blown. But times are tough and supplies are running out. The city has been divided up between the people can wield power. Jim goes up nightly to turn on the signal. Bruce asks if he does it to remind people even in darkness there is light. Jim says yes and to remind himself. Jim has been communicating, via shortwave, with the government outside the city. But they will not send aid, rescue the children, or restock the GCPD's ammo supply. After Scarecrow's raid thinks are dire. Bruce illegally calls in