Gotham Undercover

GU92 - S5E03 - Penguin, Our Hero



Penguin, Our Hero starts out people with mocking Penguin and ends up with them thanking him. However, people are still out to shut him down and take out Haven. Bat and Cat head to the Dark Zone to find Jeremiah but end up with an Ecco of Harley. Penguin, Our Hero: A hero and savior is what Penguin is styling himself as, but a dictator is all he is to his people. They sing an anthem to him and Mr. Penn tells him only what he wants to hear. But then a choir member falls out and Oswald gets the bad news. People are working double shifts ,because people are defecting to the GCPD's Haven. Oswald tells Penn to stop it or it means his head. Some members of the Street Demonz gang enter and shoot up the place before being stopped. They say that Penguin has taken out the Demonz, Lo Boyz, and Undead gangs and left graffiti. Penguin says if it was him there would be no survivors and no proof. He sends them off to be tortured. The next day he awakes to only Olga, the housekeeper, singing to him. She says everyone has defe