Gotham Undercover

GU 93 - S5E4 - Ruin



[sc:gothamtop] Ruin delivers unlikely alliances in the wake of the Haven destruction. One team is finding a potential suspect, another is forensic'ing their way to the cause - and finding out the true perpetrator. The third team is still fighting for vengeance against Jeremiah, and then - as usual - there is Barbara. There Are Lines That We Don't Cross ©2019 Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Fox Haven is on fire. Gordon mobilizes all that he can to put the blazes out. Penguin is visibly shaken by the sheer violence and inhumanity of such an act. Barbara is still on the scene and has Penguin dead to rights but pulls away instead and disappears. In the morning Harvey finds Jim's badge which confirms that the Jr. Deputy is in fact dead. Jim describes the carnage on the short wave radio and once again he is promised help and he is doubtful that will ever happen. The citizens are upset with Jim who can only promise empty hope. Harvey suggests that Barbara might have something to do with it so Jim goes to find out wha