Gotham Undercover

GU 94 - S5E5 - Pena Dura



Pena Dura brought hard times for Riddler and Jim. Riddler struggles to find out who is controlling him. We find out that Jim's buddy Eduardo is here to take over Gotham not save it. Jim is not onboard with Theresa Walker's dark plan for the city. Hard Reboot for Riddler's Brain: ©Fox Broadcasting Co. Cr: Jeff Neumann/FOX Riddler is confronted by Jim and Eduardo, but due to sharp thinking and traps he makes it out. The GCPD and Delta Force announce to the city that Ed was behind the attack on Haven. The citizens of Gotham proclaim the hard sentence of death on Ed. They are hunting him down. He gets blindsided and knocked out. A crazy family decide to electrocute him via car. Ed pulls a Brer Rabbit and tricks his way out, but not before a few shocks. They bring back a memory of Oswald saying he was going to fix Ed. Ed slips into city hall. Here Ed and Oswald have a powerful talk. This scene was well written and amazingly acted. Oswald says that he was trying to help Ed and got Hugo to save him. If anyone