Gotham Undercover

The Beginning



The Beginning saw us jump 10 years into Gotham's future. Jim is ready to quit, but no one has stepped up to take his place. But Bruce has put on the cowl and cape. Batman is ready to defend his city with the help of his friends. The Beginning of Penguin and Riddler: [caption id="attachment_36870" align="aligncenter" width="495"] ©2019 Fox Media LLC Cr: FOX[/caption] Penguin has been in Blackgate and Riddler in Arkham for 10 years. It turns out 6 months after reunification Jim busted them and they were put away. Riddler is broken out of Arkham and given a mission, by who he thinks is the Penguin. He is to kidnap Mayor James and blow then new Wayne Tower when Bruce shows up. Meanwhile Penguin is released and is looking dapper. He has one thing in mind, revenge on Jim. Penguin kidnaps Jim and has him drive to the docks. Penguin takes him to the exact spot where Jim was told to shoot him, but didn't. Oswald wants revenge and is going to go through with it. Jim tries to reason with him and in the process finds out