Business, Branding And Building With Libby Rothschild Ms, Rd, Cpt

HAES Aligned Panel with Libby, Sam, & Mya



Libby sat down with Sam and Mya to talk about HAES and discuss what it is and what it means to both of them.   Sam is a registered dietitian nutritionist and owner of the Nutrition Practice GMG Nutrition Company, where she provides one on one nutrition coaching services locally in Charlotte, North Carolina, and also virtually. Sam helps women with PCOS ditch diets, improve insulin resistance, and balance hormones without feeling guilty or stressed about food.  Mya is a non-diet dietitian who finds the title food and body therapist to better describe what she does. She specializes in helping chronic dieters break up with diet culture, learn how to eat intuitively by listening to their bodies, and heal body image struggles through health at every size approach. She's based in Seattle, where she runs a private practice on the side while working full time at a university where she has a dual role, half time as a nutrition counselor and the student counselor center and half time at the nutrition faculty for the Di