Scratch The Surface With Ej Scott

Steve Agee



Steve Agee is probably most recognizable from the Sarah Silverman Show that was on Comedy Central for three seasons. I know Steve from his improv comedy background. In this episode we talk about how his dad murdered his pet guinnea pig with a shovel as a child, getting so drunk and rowdy in high school he got kicked out of several until he was sent to military school where he started smoking meth, how vertigo and anxiety really screws up his life, meeting Sarah Silverman and having a crush on her, how her friendship with Sarah lead to a job on the Jimmy Kimmel show, how doing a small bit on the movie Super got him a new best friend in Ellen Page, we talk about Jeff Garlin, Gina Gershon, Community, New Girl, Kevin Bacon, how he foolishly promised to read every one of his twitter followers names when he first joined if he got to 5,000 followers and how that number jumped to closer to 8,000, he spent 8 hours on video reading twitter follower names, a surprise appearance by my girlfriend Deboirah Ann Woll and so