Unified Threads

Season 2: 05–Possibility



Questioning what other people told you is possible is always a good place to start. This episode is part 1 of a conversation with Ethan Hughes, one of four co-founders of the Possibility Alliance in Belfast Maine, and Grace Yoder of Polliwog Farm in Ypsi, Michigan.  Grace shared her work on the first episode of this season, in an episode called "Belonging", and connected the threads to Ethan. Ethan and the people at the Possibility Alliance have spent over a decade working to solve practical problems through permaculture, while living true to a set of principles, one of which they call “pathways out of empire.” Grace and Amy ask questions around why Ethan and his partner & co-founder Sarah Wilcox moved from an established off-grid community in Missouri to start fresh in Maine. Together, we talk about our white privilege, getting to the point of being honest with what we’re exchanging and how much energy still needs to be freed up, and showing up to build resilience in response to this planet’s ecological